Card Targeting in Clash Royale
- data scientist in Clash Royale
- with Supercell for 4½ years, first in Boom and joined Royale before beta (2+ yrs)
- leading machine learning at Supercell
Company culture
- High quality games
- Thinking big, with small teams
- Four global games
- One game in beta
- CR dev team is less than 20 people
- for game dev, this means killing many games before launch
- for live ops, this means being smarter about scaling => today’s talk
Clash Royale
- real time PvP battling game
- card collection game
- free to play
- launched globally Jan 2016
- unique gameplay on mobile
Live ops in Clash Royale
- Rich and dynamic player experience
- purpose of live ops: improve player experience
- Global player base
- add variety: global player base, diversity of progression
- Everyday eventfulness
- add eventfulness: new exciting things going on
- Content schedule ≠ game update schedule
- Live opsy since 2016 fall
- Examples:
- different game modes available as special events
- special offers and sales
- offer to celebrate release of new cards
- limited time boosters
- sales to celebrate big events like release of touchdown mode
Goal: tailored live ops
- Towards personalized player experience
- Relevant content
- Relevant timing
…with a small team
Automate day-to-day events
Human focus on high profile events
most live ops been global
- limited by small team size, PvP fairness
growing card collections ⇔ personalize card choices
- personal playing style, hog player/2v2 player/skilled challenge player
bread and butter liveops
use machine learning to help
Interlude: machine learning?
- machine learning is an alternative way to create the “programs” i.e. input–output logic
- data is the elixir of machine learning
- input–output mapping is hidden in data
- training: processing input–output data to find correlations
- can take anything from minutes to weeks, depending on task and data
- trained model: imitate input–output relationships as seen in training data
- machine learning logic is called “model”, but it’s still a piece of software
- model is software that can be trained on data
- data changes => retrain model
- often an uninterpretable black box
- machine learning: software program that is learned from data, instead of writing manually
- two stages: training and application (inference)
- training: offline
- application: live
Clash Royale card targeting
- potential signals to consider
- Card?
- Pricing?
- Stack size?
- Near upgrade?
- Card in deck?
- Request from clan?
- card and deck choices vary naturally from player to player
- focus machine learning on picking a good card
- manual design: stack size and pricing
- output: card
- input signals: use in deck, near upgrade, request
Problem statement
Provide dynamic content
- that players find interesting → purchase rate
- that reacts to changes in playing style → time-dependent signals
- without being spammy → filter weak offers
- without breaking the game economy → cooldowns
Solution sketch
- Create offer inventory
- graphics assets
- price points, stack sizes
- Get training data
- data for machine learning
- Train binary classifier
- train model
- Go live
- Input data ✔
- signals: card collection, decks, card requests, … => available
- Output data ✘
- labels: is this card relevant for that player ⇔ would they like to purchase this
Clash of Clans offer targeting
- Potential signals to consider
- Pack?
- Troops used in war?
- Troops used to attack?
- Troop upgrades?
- Pricing?
- Resource amount?
- Building upgrades?
- similar approach as in CR: use machine learning to pick a good pack
- manual design: resource contents and pricing
- output: pack
- input signals: troop usage, troop and building upgrades, TH level
Targeting model
- task: would player want to buy giant as special offer?
- 21 binary outputs: binary classifier (logistic regression)
- collection: card levels, amount missing from next level
- battle decks: cards used vs. not used; last 1, 7, 30 days
- card requests: requested vs. not requestsd, last 1, 7, 30 days
- account: XP and arena levels
- Clash: 1500 input signals, 7 output classes
- 100 hidden nodes
- one hidden layer
- utilize combinations of signals: XP level 8 AND requesting card BUT not playing
- signals are mapped to targeting using ML model
- program logic doesn’t have to be written by hand
- tradeoffs: how important is card collection vs. battle deck
Technology stack
- data collection: need live offers
- model training: manual training and validation
- rarely retrained, e.g. when adding new cards, or if data distribution changes
- model application: daily batch job, re-run targeting based on newest input
- application: monitor performance
Real world details
- Highly imbalanced data
- Interactions between events and offers
- Which metric to optimize?
- Testing and validation
- Staged model development
- Reproducible models and targetings
Players are getting value in Clash Royale
- baseline is flat
- we’ve seen that ML model improvement is sustainable,
- lift w.r.t. normal chest shop
- novelty value
- accuracy coverage tradeoff
- significant lift in business metrics
Players are getting value in Clash of Clans
- statistically significant lift between rule-based and ML
- practically not good enough, given additional complexity of ML vs. rule-based
- lesson learned: ML is not a silver bullet
- task is quite narrow, only choosing among 7 packs
- Pay attention to player experience
- Machine learning can be a useful alternative to manual heuristics
- Simple models like logistic regression provide a lot of value
- Align the machine learning loss function with players’ interests
- Fast iteration is very important
- fast iteration but not by all means
- need a good model already at launch
- ML is a tool that can replace heuristics
- make sure cost vs. benefit is there
- ML core model is 10% of the work, 90% is integration
- go live faster by bootstrapping with available data